Viability Ultrasound
Vaginal Ultrasound for Nuchal Translucency
Viability Ultrasound
The viability ultrasound shows the presence of the fetal sac in the intrauterine cavity and identifies the number of embryos implanted.
Why is the test important?
It confirms a clinical intrauterine pregnancy and protects against an ectopic pregnancy. Viewing the gradual development of the embryonic sac and listening to the heart beat, we can see the normal development of the pregnancy. This test is especially useful in cases of bleeding, pain, history of recurrent pregnancy loss, or an ectopic pregnancy. It also calculates the gestational age and the probable date of birth.
What information does the Viability ultrasound give us?
- Determines the presence of pregnancy and confirms its normal development endometrium.
- Excludes possible ectopic pregnancy (ectopic).
- Determines the number of embryos.
- Confirms the presence of a heartbeat.
- Calculates the size of the sac and the fetus, to determine gestational age and possible date of birth.
Vaginal Ultrasound for Nuchal Translucency
A Vaginal Ultrasound for Nuchal Translucency determines the exact gestational age, especially in women who cannot remember the date of their last period, have irregular menstruation, have conceived while breastfeeding, or immediately after discontinuation of the contraceptive pill. In twin pregnancies, it determines whether the embryos develop in different sacs or share the same placenta.
A first, rough assessment of the embryo anatomy and diagnosis of congenital anomalies is made.
The method also offers a first rough assessment of the fetal anatomy and a diagnosis of congenital anomalies. In addition, at this gestational age we measure the thickness of the subcutaneous fluid accumulation in the fetal neck (nuchal translucency). This measurement, in combination with the biochemical markers of the PAPP-A blood test, calculates the chances of chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down Syndrome or trisomies 13 and 18. It also predicts the chances of preeclampsia or placental insufficiency. The testshould take place between the 11th and 14th week of pregnancy.
2nd Trimester
Genetic Ultrasound (Level B)
Cervical Length Measurement
Detailed Ultrasound of the Fetal Cardiovascular Device
Level II Ultrasound – 2nd Trimester
The Level II ultrasound should take place between the 20th and 24th week of pregnancy. This will examine the anatomy and biometrics of the fetus thoroughly to evaluate its development. The brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, and limbs are checked to rule out abnormalities.
The position of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the anatomy of the umbilical cord are evaluated as well. Indications of chromosomal abnormality can be detected and the risk is recalculated in relation to the risk of the first trimester. Resistance in the uterine artery is measured to predict preeclampsia or intrauterine delay.
A Level II ultrasound is possible to determine the sex of the baby with the consent of the couple. In addition, during the same examination, a transvaginal ultrasound is recommended to measure the length of the cervix, to determine the possibility of premature birth.
Why is the Level II ultrasound important?
This ultrasound is recommended for all pregnant women as it examines the anatomy, development, and diagnosis of fetal abnormalities.
Measurement of the Cervical Length
Cervical Length Measurement is recommended for women who are at high risk for premature birth, including multiple pregnancies, history of previous preterm birth, abnormalities of the corpus (body) of the uterus or the cervix, or previous surgeries.
Fetal Cardiovascular Ultrasound
Reasons for a Fetal Cardiovascular Ultrasound:
- Family history of congenital heart disease
- Increased Nuchal Translucency during the first trimester
- Suspected heart abnormality on a routine ultrasound performed by the gynecologist
- Fetus with arrhythmia
- Abnormality in another vital organ of the fetus (kidneys, limbs, etc.)
- Insulin-dependent (type I) maternal diabetes
- A mother who has used drugs or alcohol, especially during the first phase of the pregnancy
3rd Trimester
Developmental Ultrasound / Doppler
The Developmental / Doppler Ultrasound determines the development and health of the fetus from:
- Evaluation of the position of the placenta
- Evaluation of placental composition
- Examining the movements of the fetus
- Measuring the size of the perimeter of the fetal head, abdomen and femur and calculating the estimate of fetal weight
- Measuring the amount of amniotic fluid
- Evaluation of blood flow to the placenta and fetus (mean cerebral flow, umbilical artery flow, uterine artery flow) with color Doppler ultrasound